Bespoke support
A range of bespoke support for schools and multi-academy trusts
Please email:
We are able to work with you and your setting to offer bespoke support. The list below provides ideas or starting points for what this might look like.
SEND Consultancy and Advice
Contact us to arrange a 1-hour online conversation where we aim to offer consultancy and advice for a specific problem/issue/area of SEND and Inclusion - from here we can work with you on your next steps - £50
SENCo Supervision
We acknowledge the role of SENCo can be rewarding but also challenging. The SEND and Inclusion hub can provide online SENCo supervision as required - £50 per hour
SENCo Appointment
A colleague from the SEND and Inclusion HUB can support headteachers, governors and trustees by joining the interview panel for SENCo appointments. We can also facilitate tasks and interview questions as required.
Half day: £200
Full day: £400
Supporting Conversations with Parents/Carers
It is important to build positive working relationships with parents and carers. Sometimes, professionals need to have conversations to discuss emerging need, and it's important this is done professionally, sensitively and with the family at the centre. We can provide support and, where required, join colleagues for those conversations.
- 1x hour online consultancy with SENCo to talk through context and support as required (including resources and signposts) - £50
Potential support at additional cost:
- Joint meeting with parent/carer and SENCo/Teacher
- 1x hour online meeting with parent/carer
- Further bespoke support
Teaching Assistants SEND Enhancement
Utilised effectively, teaching assistants can have a positive impact on the learning of all pupils, including those with SEND.
- 1x online consultancy with SENCo/school leader to discuss context and outline priorities focus - £50
Potential support at additional cost:
- Online training session - SEND 101
- Half day outreach with SEND TA
- Further bespoke support