Practical Suggestions for Adaptive Teaching (CPD)
Delivered by Jo Ryland, ECF Lead.
Students learn at different rates and require different types and levels of support from their teachers in order to succeed. The rate and depth of support will vary depending on individual children’s needs. It's vital that teachers understand the varying levels of need within their classroom, as well as any barriers to learning students may face. Knowing this can help teachers to utilise adaptive teaching practice to provide their pupils with the targeted support needed to boost student outcomes.
In this session Jo will outline what is meant by the term adaptive teaching, detail its importance, and provide you with a range of adaptive teaching strategies that you can use to help your learners excel and achieve.
Available for: ECT1s as an additional workshop, as part of our Appropriate Body Provision
This event will take place 29/04/2024 at 4:30PM until 5:30PM
Available From: 28/06/2023
Available To: 22/04/2024
Capacity: 50
Seats Left: 46
Venue: Online via Zoom
Cost: £0.00
This event is currently unavailable to book.